Friday, February 1, 2013

Back to Basics Friday

Crashing on the sofa tonight in preparation for an early morning. Now that the worst of the drama seems to have played out, I'm increasingly serious about TCB. TCB starts with STRICT discipline, and I put a little more on my plate each day. As for tonight, I'm gonna phase out watching the premier episode of The Wire. If the symbolism isn't obvious, you haven't lived this kind of life or you haven't done the research.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Suffering in Silence

There is much ground to cover in service to telling this story, but for now, certain tensions are best worked out this way, by sharing information with people who are really gonna need it. Depressed people do things maddeningly contrary to common sense. In the context of marriage, the non-depressed spouse has got to repeat that to her- or himself probably 1,000,000 times a day, less the marital home devolve into chaos. I know. It very nearly happened at our home.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Mending Home

Two very productive days in a row. Making good on my vow to clean house, literally, figuratively and spiritually. As I lay here beside the love of my life, I count myself lucky; though depression has such a hold on her as to render me almost irrelevant in her eyes, at least she's here. I miss her so much. So much. But I won't be weak anymore. I know what's wrong and I have the doctors on the case. We will get through this.