Friday, September 16, 2011


For 2.5 years, wifey and I toiled at all hours of the day and night, seven days a week -- even while on vacation -- for below market wages to build a business. And we did build a business. Trouble was it wasn't ours, but that of a pair of arrogant creeps working off a 1960s, cookie-cutter business model. Granted that for 99% of that 2.5 years, we worked remotely, but even with that perk, we were still stuck with THEM. These are two guys with personalities so transcendently annoying, waking up knowing that a phone call from either was imminent was enough to cast a pall on my morning.

Long on platitudes and knee-jerk reactions, but short on reasoning and foresight, these clowns worked their way into the fabric of my family's lives. It was not until maybe a month after walking out of their office for good that I could accurately assess their impact on us. From the moment I quit up to this instant, I have observed positive change in the four of us, a gradual leveling out and return to normalcy. Wifey and I are literally putting our house in order and the children are responding. Though this family restoration project is in its infancy, I can write with certainty that, between wifey and me, there is sufficient resolve to get it done. Why would either of us want these innocent babies to grow up in the midst of mayhem like we did? Of course, had we continued working with those lunatics, that's exactly what would have happened.

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