Friday, February 10, 2012

The Peculiar Case of the Greg Kelly Scandal III

Continuing a discussion of the boyfriend's oblique method of reporting the alleged assault to the authorities, I have no knowledge of the nightmare that must be learning a loved one has been sexually assaulted. I can only imagine the intensity and spectrum of emotions that would at once grip a person hearing such awful news. Given all that I admittedly don't know, I still can't fathom approaching the father of my loved one's attacker at a public dinner. I mean, I've heard of taking a complaint straight to the top, but...and one wonders how THAT conversation went. I've read that the guy opened with "Your son ruined my girlfriend's life." Ray Kelly must have thought to himself "Who's watching the door, here?"

There are better than 30,000 cops patrolling the streets of New York. They're on duty all day, every day, and the precinct houses never close, but the guy waits to run into the commissioner at an event to accuse his son of a rape that allegedly took place several weeks ago? Only some one with a rather theatrical sense of chivalry -- and a real hard-on for the accuser -- could pull off such a potentially dangerous gaffe with a straight face.

As a husband, father and human being, I am no supporter of date-rape, ANY brand of coerced sex or violence against women. I have openly mocked the accuser and her boyfriend because, from all appearances, their hands call for it. The shameful way they have conducted themselves harkens back to the days when black men were murdered by blood thirsty mobs on the word of some pampered, selfish, thoughtless Jezebel who'd rather point an accusatory finger than face a life of ostracism.

Rape is the worst thing a person can do to another short of murdering him or her, and sometimes worse than that. The idea that these two holograms could come so close to ruining so many lives is the gravest insult to genuine victims of rape the world over, as well as those whose lives have been destroyed by a false accusation. The two of them are simply despicable, and I hope their relationship survives this absurd side-show. Clearly, they deserve each other.

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